11 Chiranjivis – The Immortals In Hindu Mythology

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Each and every individual in this world is born with a certain time period after which they must leave this earth and embark on the ultimate journey of life. According to Rabindranath Tagore, we are all born to die. Still, Hindu mythology believes in the immortals in Hindu mythology, who are still thought to be alive. 

Who Are These Immortals In Hindu Mythology?

The immortals in Hindu mythology, popularly known as the immortals, are the person who is blessed or anathematized to live a long life, becoming immortal, disobeying the rules of nature! 

According to the Hindu Puranas, there is a total of 15 Chiranjivis who have emerged in different ages, starting from Satyayuga, and will mark their presence on this earth till Kaliyuga to protect mankind till the end of life! In this article, we will talk about each of them! 

Names Of The Immortals

  1. Hanuman
  2. Vibhishana
  3. Kripacharya
  4. Parashurama
  5. Ashwatthama
  6. Ved Vyas
  7. King Mahabali
  8. Jambabhan
  9. Markanday
  10. Devapi
  11. Saptarishis

Immortals In Hindu Mythology

In this section, we have collected some facts about immortals in Hindu mythology. Read more to find out! 

1. Hanuman Ji

Hanuman was born to father King Kesari and mother Anjani. Some Puranas also believe that he was the son of Vayu, the God of wind! Hanuman was the example of a true devotee. He is still regarded as God amongst Hindus who blesses his devotees with strength and intelligence.

According to Hindu Puranas and Scriptures, God Hanuman is blessed to live till eternity among the humankind and worshipped by the Hindus! 

2. Vibhishana

Vibhishana was a character in Ramayana, who was the younger brother of king Ravana, who captured Mata Sita, the wife of Lord Ram. Vibhishana helped Lord Ram to fight Ravana and is regarded as a betrayer to his own family! 

Vibhishana is blessed with the power to life till eternity and is one among the immortals in Hindu mythology. 

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3. Kripacharya

Kripacharya was the guru of the grandson of Arjuna, Parkishit who taught him the art of war! He was from the Kaurava’s side and is the most truthful and noblest among all. Due to his qualities, Lord Krishna blessed him with immortality! 

4. Parashurama

Parashurama was the son of Jamadagni and Renuka, whose real name was Bhargava Rama. He pleased Lord Shiva who taught him the skill of warfare! According to Kalki Purana, Parashurama will re-emerge as the guru of Kalki to advice him to please Lord Shiva and receive arms and ammunition from him. 

5. Ashwatthama

Ashwatthama was born to father Dronacharya who was the aacharya or guru of the Royal princes! He fought the war against the Pandavas. Ashwatthama was cursed to live a long life by Krishna, who was damned by Lord Krishna after he killed the successors of the Pandavas. 

6. Ved Vyas

Ved Vyas was the son of Satyavati, who later married King Shantanu and saint Parashar. Ved Vyas was the writer of the epic Mahabharata. He was named Ved Vyas because it is believed that he was the incarnation of Lord Vishnu, who divided the Vedas into three different scriptures. Hindus believe that Ved Vyas is alive till now! 

7. King Mahabali

King Mahabali, the grandson of Prahlad was blessed with immortality by Lord Vishnu for his karma! Legend has it that King Mahabali was the ruler of the three worlds, which created restlessness. 

To resolve the issue, Lord Vishnu appeared on earth in his Vamana avatar and asked the King to grant him land that could only be covered with his feet. Underestimating the Vamana, Mahabali agreed. Vamana covered the whole universe in his 2 steps, and the king Mahabali offered his head to the Vamana to put his last step. 

8. Jambavantha

Jambavantha was the king of Bears! He was blessed with immense power, strength, and intelligence. Due to his selfless act of helping Lord Rama during his fight with Ravana, Lord Krishna bestowed him with the power of being immortal. 

9. Markanday

Markanday was a true devotee of Lord Shiva. During his last day on this earth, Yamadeva came to receive him. Lord Shiva emerged and saved Markanday from the grasp of Yamadeva and blessed him with eternal life! 

10. Devapi

Devapi, one of the immortals in Hindu mythology, is the brother of King Shantanu of Mahabharata. He was a Kuru Prince who later was blessed to become an immortal sage. 

11. Saptarishis

Saptarishis or the seven great sages have been bestowed with eternity due to their power of yoga! They are present throughout all ages. The Saptarishis are Bharadwaja, Vishwamitra, Vasishtha, Gautama, Atri, Kashyapa, and Jamadagni. 


All the immortals in Hindu mythology are believed to exist till now. According to scriptures and religious books, they will walk the universe till the end of mankind!

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