All You Need To Know About Google Success Story

google success story

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Google’s success may be traced back to Larry Page and Sergey Brin’s basic concept. They realized in the late 1990s that the huge, chaotic quantity of information pouring into the internet could be managed by prioritizing search results based on popularity. They haven’t looked back since, amassing millions of dollars from online advertising and adopting some of the most daring new technological concepts. In this article, we will know about Google success story. Also, we will discuss questions like Why is Google so successful? How did Sundar Pichai become the CEO of Google?

What Made Google Successful?

Google began to develop in earnest once the ad element was in place to complement search. Some strategies were clear, such as Google publishing and purchasing digital assets that would produce more ad-driven revenue as traffic and ad space rose. YouTube (bought in 2006), Blogger (2003), Google Maps (2005), and Google Finance were among them (2006).

Google, on the other hand, produced a lot of websites and online apps that were not intended to be funded through advertising. Google Books comes into the latter group since it is a digital library with very few advertisements. On Google News, real-time aggregation of current material from thousands of news sources, and ads is similarly hard to come by. Gmail (2004) began as an ad-free and cost-free service, but in later versions, users may choose between free with advertisements or paid without ads. All of these sites’ initial versions were far from flawless. Google made the beta versions available to users, who were then able to locate and prioritize changes that would be incorporated in the next edition.

Why Is Google Successful? Reasons?

The key factors responsible for the Google success story are:

1. Everything fell into place brilliantly with time

2. A fantastic product

3. The ideal group

4. Massive Market

5. The execution was flawless.

How Did Sundar Pichai Become The CEO Of Google?

At IIT Kharagpur, Sundar Pichai was always a bright student. From here, he received his B. Tech in Metallurgy Science. In his last year, he was working on a thesis under Professor Indranil Manna and B. N. Bose’s supervision. He was good friends with Indranil Manna and used to tell him about his future ambitions. Sundar had planned to study in the United States for an MS and subsequently a Ph.D. at the time. The issue was one of financing. His father’s savings were insufficient to cover the cost of attending a prestigious institution. But, how did Sundar Pichai become the CEO of Google? 

Well, Sundar has always piqued Professor Indranil Mann’s interest. He made the decision to submit his name for admission and a scholarship. Sundar was able to enroll in IIT with a scholarship thanks to the advice of a prominent IIT professor. He had received the BC Roy Silver Medal and was the department topper. His academic qualifications were satisfactory to the Stanford admissions committee.

Prof. Indranil Manna expressed his dissatisfaction in a recent interview when he learned that Sundar had elected to pursue an MBA rather than a Ph.D. after earning his MS. Needless to say, he is ecstatic at this point for suggesting Sundar to Stanford and making it a little simpler for him to pursue his academic goals.

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Pichai was promoted to vice president and then senior vice president after the introduction of Chrome. He was named to the L-team, a small group of officials who answer directly to Page, and was assigned responsibility for Google’s programmes, including Gmail. When Andy Rubin, the developer of Android, resigned to start a covert Google robotics project, Page put Pichai in charge of Android as well.

With his recent elevation, Pichai will now handle products like search, maps, Google+, commerce, ad products, and infrastructure, allowing Page to focus on longer-term concerns and driving things ahead without the burden of having too many direct subordinates. Apart from YouTube and other semi-independent entities like Nest, Google X, and Calico, this represents the vast bulk of Google’s organization. He was one of the dozens of mid-level Googlers with the title of director of product marketing just six years ago.

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Google Success Story

The success story of Google may be attributed to its primary and original offering, search. It achieves this so successfully and efficiently that it has become practically everyone’s go-to search engine. Google discovered a tool with broad appeal; they created something that would be valuable to almost everyone online, rather than just a certain set of people.

Google has become the default location for consumers to go when they need to solve an issue.

They’ve done this in part by providing an amazing product that customers can expect to provide a decent response to nearly any inquiry, but they’ve also done it through products like Chrome and Android, which make it extremely easy for consumers to switch to Google from other options.

Being the default location where a user goes to solve an issue is a fantastic position to be in, since some of those problems will be ones for which an advertiser has a product and would be willing to spend a lot of money to have an ad shown. This results in Google amassing a large sum of money, and having enough money makes it simpler to achieve success in other areas.

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Sara Alfonso: