Apple vs. Microsoft – Why You Should Choose Microsoft Over Apple?

apple vs microsoft

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Two well-known and widely used companies, Microsoft and Apple, have established their brand and goodwill over the years. There has been an ongoing discussion on Apple vs. Microsoft, about which one is better and we think we might have the answer. 

Apple vs. Microsoft – Which Is Better?

Although the days of their rivalry are over for long, the question still lingers in the minds of users. By researching the topic Apple vs. Microsoft, we have come up with 11 reasons why Microsoft is better than Apple. 

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1. Multitasking

Windows 10 delivers a better user experience at doing multiple tasks at a time than Apple OS X because here all you have to do is just drag an open window to the top of the screen to make it full screen or to the side to have it fill half of the screen. It comes in handy for multitasking.

2. Regular Updates

We all know that Windows is having updates almost every year, Apple OS X hasn’t and is pretty much the same. Windows has had some bold & cool moves like getting rid of their popular Start Menu and having all your significant data shown on the main screen as well.

3. Fresh Sports Content

Now Apple TV has begun to get fresh sports content but Microsoft’s Xbox One has already incorporated NFL footage with people’s fantasy leagues. 

4. Code

Project Spark is Microsoft’s forthcoming project that supports creating interactive content on Microsoft’s platforms spontaneously. While Apple’s Xcode is incredible for developers that are experienced but are not that user-friendly or easy to understand for a beginner coder.

5. Interaction With Users Of Other Platforms

People App is undoubtedly one of the best apps accessible on Windows or any other platform for that matter. It merges all your updates from Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn in a single app.

While iMessage only allows you to interact with other iPhone users, Microsoft allows you to interact with your friends on any platform by integrating Facebook Messaging as a default.

6. Access To Old Apps

You can still play a 20-year-old application on the new Windows 10 but you can’t play a 5-year-old Apple application on the new Apple OS X.

7. Look

Apple might be elegant & glossy, but Microsoft is cool, smart, and handy.

8. Improvements Through Experimenting

Microsoft has been doing experiments with apps for Android & iPhone and making remarkable improvements like the Hub Keyboard – it lessens the time required to switch between the apps.

9. Combination Of Tablet And Laptop

Microsoft can be considered one of the firsts to bring in a combination of tablet and laptop via its Microsoft Surface Book while Apple was late with the iPad pro. Also iPad Pro operates on a limited version of Apple iOS but Surface Pro 4 operates on a full version of Windows and is even able to run entry-level games smoothly. 

10. Streaming Games

Windows has always been chosen one amongst the two and Windows has now come up with a new Xbox app that allows you to stream games from the Xbox. One console to your Windows 10 laptop, tablet, or PC. 

11. Cortana’s Features

Cortana is even more intuitive than Apple’s Siri in terms of learning the preferences of its users with time. Also, Cortana is quite easily accessible from Windows 10 taskbar and is even available on iPhone & Android too. However, Siri is only accessible on iPhone & iPad, not Mac OS X.

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Final Thoughts

Microsoft has been more flexible and reciprocating to its user base than Apple. The above reasons on topic Apple vs. Microsoft can clear which one is better. Being more intuitive, flexible, multi-tasking, Microsoft has helped its users have access to all of their tasks, and do their tasks more easily.

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