Covid-19 Safety Tips For Newborns And Mothers

Covid-19 Safety Tips For Newborns And Mothers

Reading Time: 2 minutes


  • Amidst a national health emergency unlike any that we have ever confronted, pregnant women face added complications due to Covid-19
  • For pregnant mothers and those with newborns, the pressure and nervousness caused by the pandemic are particularly high. Like any disease, Coronavirus does not bode well for pregnancies
  • Mentioned below are some Covid-19 safety tips for moms to shield themselves and their infants.
Covid-19 Safety Tips For Newborns And Mothers

We are in the midst of a pandemic, the likes of which humanity has not seen in this century. Governments, specialists, and wellbeing experts across the globe are attempting to get this crisis under control. For would-be moms and those with newborn babies, the stress and tension created by the current situation are particularly enormous. Thus, it is pivotal to guarantee mothers and their younger ones who are most vulnerable during this pandemic. The following Covid-19 safety tips can help them achieve exactly that.

Covid-19 Safety For Mothers And Their Newborns

1. Keep the infants in a room that has been properly sanitized.

2. Mother and child should maintain social distance from any individual who could be at risk of carrying the virus.

3. In the case of siblings, they might be Covid positive without being symptomatic. It is advised to keep them away from the newborn child.

4. Children below the age of five are advised against wearing masks, but nursing mothers can wear a clinical mask while breastfeeding the infant. Mothers should likewise keep up proper sanitation for the safety of both their child and themselves.

5. New mothers must not let themselves get overwhelmed by fears of contracting COVID-19. This may create uneasiness in them which can influence their wellbeing, and also that of the child.

Covid-19 Safety For Mothers And Their Newborns

Precautions And Measures To Maintain Wellbeing

  • Mothers should try to get a minimum of 7-8 hours of sound sleep
  • They should spend at least 30 minutes doing any physical activity they enjoy, such as walking, yoga, or meditation
  • Their daily diet should incorporate a low-fat and low-sodium regimen with a good measure of fibre
  • They should drink at least 2 litres of water daily
  • Meals should be balanced and nutritious
  • Regular clinical check-ups should be done by means of teleconsultations
  • Stress and anxiety must be kept at bay. Stress has been proven to negatively affect heart health.
Precautions And Measures To Maintain Wellbeing

The following are a few Covid-19 safety tips that mothers can follow to monitor their heart health during the pandemic.

1. Monitor your weight and pulse

One should check their optimal body weight, sugar, cholesterol levels and blood pressure consistently. In the event that these levels change, suitable measures should be taken, as advised by their doctor.

Monitor your weight and pulse

2. Maintain a heart-friendly diet

An eating regimen to make the heart healthier incorporates low-fat consumption, eating vegetables, fruits and natural products regularly, and keeping away from immersed fats, excessive sugar, and packed food.

Maintain a heart-friendly diet

3. Know the indications of heart problems

Mothers must be aware of the early signs of heart issues like pain in the chest, shortness of breath, sweating, unsteadiness, weakness, back and shoulder pain, etc. It is recommended to get an ECG scan done to comprehend the cardiac problems before they become life-threatening.

Know the indications of heart problems

Conclusion On Covid-19 Safety Tips

Mothers with newborn babies become so busy that they don’t get the time to evaluate their own health. During this pandemic, it’s very important to follow covid-19 safety measures and detect any coronavirus symptoms at the earliest.

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