Facebook App Removed Signal Ads From Its Platforms Because Of The Dig Taken At Privacy Policies

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  • Facebook App has banned all Signal apps from its platform
  • Signal took a dug at the privacy policies of Facebook and the way it uses personal information about the user
  • There have been raising questions on Facebook privacy as well.

Among the different types of social media platforms that we use, Facebook is one of the oldest and most popular. A common behavior is seen on the platforms which are not a part of a Facebook franchise. Signal often takes a dig at the privacy policy of the Facebook app, and this time, Facebook decided to answer back. 

Removing Signal Ad From The Facebook App

The advertising accounts of Signal, the messaging app were completely removed from Facebook. The existing ads were also removed because they were targeting the ad placement methods of Facebook.

This certainly discerns the privacy policy of Facebook and causes insecurity among the users. 

What Has Signal Done?

The signal is a California-based messaging app that has run several ads on an Instagram ad and Facebook app alike. However, the ads indicated the exact method in which the ads were generated for personalized users. The data targeted advertisements seem to be an effort towards snooping on the private data provided by the user to the social media platform.

One of the ads said that the person received the notice of a product because he was an accountant who was also in an open relationship. It further went into the scary set of details like the person liked skincare and has always supported Cardi B. This is concerning as this would indicate these platforms are using personal information through social media ads without the users’ knowledge. 

Statement By Signal

The advertising account of Signal has been shut down immediately. Signal has countered this action by stating that being transparent enough in the social media world is not a feat that Facebook can achieve.

The only good thing that Facebook can do is hide the data from the audience they are serving. Signal also states that they do not wish to take this stance. 

What to do now?

The privacy policies of the Facebook app are being questioned in many places. It is indeed concerning how the platform seems to know the users’ preferences without giving any extra information. Are the users that easy to understand with a couple of data and analyzing programs? Or is there a hidden algorithm that keeps an eye on the overall activities taken up by a person who also has an Instagram account? With time we will know. For now, let’s scroll down a bit to know more stories!

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