Had A Bad Breakup? Tips That Will Save Your Some Tears


Reading Time: 4 minutes

Highlights :

  • Relationship breakups can be overwhelming and sad for a long time, but staying in a toxic relationship is much worse.
  • Sometimes, it’s better to let go of people and enjoy some time with yourself, family, and friends.
  • Breakups are a part of life. You shouldn’t blame yourself or the other person for too long.

Breaking up and moving on is a part of life. All good things come to an end, and so do bad things. Breakup teaches you a lot but often destroy your expectations and dreams. Denial and grief after a breakup are normal, but moving on and finding yourself after that is more important. Here are 10 tips to get over that heartbreaking relationship breakup and get a blissful and fulfilled life.

How To Get Over From A Heartbreaking Relationship Breakup

1. Express Yourself

Embrace your feelings instead of ignoring them. Denial and ignorance are not always bliss. The more you run away from these feelings, the more they chase and haunt you.

Do not feel ashamed to cry or rant it all out. This does not make you weak or immature. You are heartbroken and hurting, and any and every human has the liberty to express himself or herself. Let the emotions flow through you and feel it all.

2. Take It Slow

It is important to let go little by little, one day at a time. Focus on today. Experience the grief, but don’t let it overpower you. Crawl if you can’t run. You will see your baggage fading away slowly and you will feel lighter every day.

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You need to give yourself time and attention to get over this relationship breakup and move towards a better you. The “You” that can forgive, accept, and live life to the fullest. Life, indeed, is a roller coaster, and if you experience the highs, you have to experience the lows as well. You can enjoy the ride, nevertheless.

3. Heal Yourself

Meditation, hobbies, and listening to music help in healing and accepting. Life is all about lessons and learning. Relationships are no different. They are here to teach you, heal you and make you better. Sometimes you end up with the person, sometimes you do not.

Not every person you date is your soulmate. Sometimes, they are karmic and here to make you learn. Stop blaming and start living your life. Start accepting everything as a lesson to make you better every day. Surely, you’ll find comfort in all of this chaos, if you see the truth.

4. Spend Time With Friends And Family

Spending time with your family and friends is much needed after a breakup. People that make you feel loved and wanted will help you overcome the feeling that you are not good enough. You often feel unwanted and unloved after a breakup, but with the right set of people, all those feelings will go away.

5. Find A Hobby

Now is the time to explore. Go join that cooking class, hit the gym, find the artist in you, or dance like Shakira. Be your person and find the hidden talent in yourself.

Keep yourself occupied and busy, and try not to think about them a lot. Learn something new about yourself while you brush up on your skills. This will boost up the confidence you might have lost in yourself.

6. Do What You Love

Anything that makes you happy, works. Be it listening to music all day or singing in the shower, do whatever helps you. Travel the world or visit your hometown.

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Love yourself and do what you love. This is the ultimate mantra for moving on. When you fall in love with yourself, there is not much space left for hatred and self-loathing in your life. You start living your life when you start doing things you love.

7. Keep Away From Drugs And Alcohol

Addictions to toxins will do no good to you and your body. Rather it’ll make you feel miserable later and slowly harm your organs. Instead, go for a calming cup of tea, healthy drinks, and maybe freshly squeezed juice to feel refreshed.

Workaholism is not a good option either. You need to give time to every sector of your life. Getting addicted to work or not working at all will get you nowhere and make you feel empty all the time.

8. Be Open To Dates

Build your walls up high? It’s understandable, but do not close yourself off to the beautiful possibilities and all the good things the world has to offer. There are 7 billion people in the world and this was just one person. You need to open your heart and let people in sometimes because they might just prove your fears and insecurities wrong and give you the best time of your life.

9. Let Go And Forgive

Forgetting is hard, forgiving is harder. But you must do that because you deserve it. Yes, it’s you who will be benefited by forgiving the other person. You deserve your peace of mind.

Learn to let go. Some things just aren’t meant to be in your life for the better. Learn to accept things coming your way and learn to let go of things that want to go or are affecting your life in a bad way. You should learn to be happy with yourself and attract what’s meant for you. 

10. Introspect And Focus On Yourself

It all comes down to ‘YOU’ at the end of the day. You’re the only permanent person in your life. You’re going to stay with yourself till the end. So learn to make peace with yourself first. Look inside of yourself and see what you can improve. Be a better person for the world and for yourself. Being connected with yourself and your core will make you stable, and no matter who comes to or goes from your life, you’ll always be peaceful.


They might not have been the one, but you sure are one in a million and will definitely get what you are looking for. We have all been through these tough times of relationship breakup, and we all have different coping mechanisms, so these may or may not work for you, but we are hoping these tips help you, and you give love another chance and find the love of your life.  

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Sara Alfonso: