Healthy Fruit Juices For A Healthy Lifestyle

Healthy Fruit Juices For A Healthy Lifestyle

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Being a human being isn’t easy. Every day we have to fight and work for our goals, dreams, schedules, job, deadlines, and relationships. Along with that, we have to maintain our health and fitness in order to enjoy life in all of its magnificence. Being healthy is not something you can achieve overnight. It’s not a goal, but a lifestyle choice. You need to make healthy choices every day and devote time to maintaining your health. Making healthy choices improves your quality of life and gives you energy for doing all your work. One of the easiest, quickest and healthiest choices to make in everyday life is to consume healthy fruit juices. Preparing and drinking healthy juices will boost your immunity, make your skin glow, give you more energy, and keep you in a good mood throughout the day. Here is a list of various fruit juices which are easy to make and are very healthy for your body and mind.

1. Amla Juice

Amla juice is known as a very important ingredient in many Ayurvedic medicines. It is enriched with Vitamin C which is good for your hair and skin and will boost your immunity as well. This is considered a very healthy fruit juice.

To prepare this juice you can put a few Amlas in a blender and add the required amount of water. Blend until the juice has a smooth texture. You can add sugar, honey, salt, or any such taste enhancers according to your preferences. You can also add ice cubes to it for a refreshing feel.

2. Watermelon Juice

Who does not like watermelons? It is delicious and refreshing and we all know that. This perfect summer drink has many benefits. It keeps your body hydrated and apart from that, it is a source of vitamins like Vitamin A and Vitamin C and many more nutrients. It controls blood pressure and improves heart health. This is the king of healthy fruit juices in case of both taste and nutritional benefits.

You need to properly and thoroughly rinse the watermelon and remove the seeds after cutting it into halves, but you can leave the tender seeds be. Add all the necessary ingredients and watermelon pulp into the blender and mix it thoroughly until you get a smooth consistency of the juice.

3. Apple Juice

It might be cliché to say that “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”, but where is the lie? Numerous benefits come with just one glass of apple juice. It helps your body, skin, and mind. Full of nutrients like Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and Vitamin K, this fruit has been tried by all of us at least once.

Wash the apples and clean them properly, as most apples these days contain pesticides. It is better if the apples are kept at room temperature if you are planning to blend them without peeling the skin. Remove the seeds after cutting the apples, put them in the blender, and blend until you get the desired texture and consistency of the juice. Serve it immediately for a refreshing and healthy drink.

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4. Orange Juice

The availability of this fruit throughout the year makes this a very easy and cheap, but healthy fruit juice. It comes with a lot of benefits for the skin, improves overall health, and is enriched with Vitamin C.

Peel and wash the oranges. Remove the seeds after cutting them into halves. Add the oranges and the required quantity of water into a blender and blend and strain the juice after achieving the desired consistency. You can add taste enhancers like sugar and honey and ice cubes too.

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5. Pineapple Juice

We all love pineapples. Be it a cake, cookie, candy, or healthy fruit juice, pineapple goes with everything. It is a healthy, refreshing drink, has low calories, and also improves digestion. It is a tasty and ideal drink for those who want to lose a few inches off their body. 

To prepare this juice, peel or chop the pineapples after washing them and add them to a blender. Add sugar to taste. It is advised that you use less sugar. Add the required amount of water according to the thickness you desire. Strain after you have achieved the desired consistency and serve it.

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Ria Singh: