Lohri Celebrations – The Beginning Of Indian Festivals

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Lohri celebrations are the earliest of India’s numerous and varied festivities to be commemorated with much grandeur and excitement across the nation in the coming new year. This harvesting festival opens the year’s celebrations in North India, particularly Punjab, with a homage to the farm owners for their arduous drudgery and effort that allows us to enjoy prosperous lives.

Lohri Celebrations In India

As per the Gregorian chronology, Lohri occurs on January 13 each year. Lohri happens on the final day of Paush, the coolest month of each year, as per the local calendar. Lohri was celebrated in the olden history preceding the winter solstice, the biggest evening of the year. It is now commemorated during the start of Uttarayana — the period when the sun travels from south to north.

Lohri celebrations are mostly observed in Punjab, as well as areas of Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, as well as Jammu & Kashmir. Nevertheless, in true Indian flair, it is commemorated by several Sikhs and Hindus across the nation.

What Is The Significance Of Lohri?

Harvest time is a time of joy and festivity, particularly in the agricultural community. Farmers gather to praise Surya (the Sun God) for the gift of warmth and brightness that allowed for a bountiful yield – a recompense for months of intense labour.

What To Look For Throughout The Lohri Festival?

It would be the first holiday of the year. You will observe delighted youngsters and adults putting in long hours of rehearsal for dance events. The magnificent sound of the dhol or percussion instruments will accompany famous Punjabi folk songs. Of course, you must have seen the magnificent and comforting image of the campfire.

Also Read – Origin, Meaning And Traditions Of Christmas Day Celebrations

How Is Lohri Observed?

People bathe in rivers’ holy waters to purge themselves of their wrongdoings. They also support charities as a way of sharing the blessings they have received. Children usually go from house to home performing songs and collecting donations for the bonfire. The particular Lohri food items cooked on this day are sarson ka saag (mustard greens), sugarcane halwa (dessert), and makki ki roti (millet bread wrapped flat and grilled on a skillet).

Traditional munchies include pulley (popcorn), moongphali (peanuts), gajak (a sweet dish consisting of sesame seeds or peanuts and sugar), and gunna (sugar cane).

Origins of Lohri

As with any event, there are some tales surrounding the origins of Lohri:

  • It is said to be a time to honour Agni, the God of Fire, and to adore Surya, the Sun God.
  • According to tradition, Holika and Lohri were siblings. Holika died in the Holi fire, but Lohri survived.
  • It is also claimed that Lohri was formed from the word ‘loh’, which means ‘light and comfort of the fire.’
  • Because til (sesame seeds) plus rorhi (gud or jaggery) are customarily consumed during this time, a mixture of the two – tilrorhi – became known as Lohri throughout time.


Lohri celebrations are a beautiful way to begin the new year, with social gatherings, festivities, and merriment. In an age of teleconferencing and online meetings, this is a cherished ritual and a wonderful chance to bring you nearer to your families, acquaintances, and local residents – in person, mind, and soul! Just be extra cautious this year when you kindle the fires both outdoors and within! The wonderful part is that you may prolong your festivities because Pongal and Makar Sankranti are so close to this event.
