Perimenopause – Signs, Symptoms, Diagnose & Treatment


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Have you been having symptoms lately that have led you to think that you might be having menopause? There are quite a lot of symptoms that indicate menopause-like kidney complications, onset flashes, dermic complications, and microscopic holes, and cramping. Perimenopause starts years before menopause and is often referred to as the transition period to menopause. The ovaries start producing less estrogen during this time and often start in the 40s of women. 

Sometimes, it starts early for women in their thirties and lasts till menopause. In the ending years of Perimenopause, usually in the last one or two years, the drop rate of estrogen skyrockets. There are many menopause symptoms that women show at this time. 

How Long Does It Stay?

It’s hard to say and varies from person to person. The average period of Perimenopause is 4 years but it varies from a few months to a period of 10 years. It’s quite a huge difference to stay exactly how much time it will stay. When periods are absent for more than 12 months then it’s said that perimenopause ends.

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Symptoms and Signs Of Perimenopause
  • Tenderness of Breasts
  • Lowered sex drive
  • Fatigue
  • Irregular periods
  • Troubles in sleeping
  • Persistent mood swings
  • Urine leakage
  • Hot flashes
  • Dryness in the vagina.
When Should You Be Concerned?

There will be irregular periods, yes. But other conditions might vary in menstrual bleeding. If you witness the following situations, you should show yourself to a doctor.

  • You have heavy periods of blood clots in them
  • You witness spotting after sex
  • Your periods occur close together
  • You witness spotting in between periods.

Abnormal bleeding might take place due to hormone problems, birth control pills, cancer, fibrosis, or pregnancy.

Diagnosis Procedure

Your doctor will diagnose Perimenopause by judging your symptoms. You might have to go through a blood test to get a look at your hormone levels. So, regular blood check-ups are helpful.

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Treatments and Solutions

Although it can’t be cured, some treatment procedures can be done to ease the compilations. Hot flashes can be relieved with the intake of low-power birth control pills for some time. Other options that you can explore are a birth control skin patch, progesterone injections, and a vaginal ring. Other things that can help are exercise, drinking less alcohol, not smoking, consuming enough calcium, and taking multivitamins.

If you have sex drive problems, then you can consult your doctor for that. You might need some therapy after that. You might be recommended vaginal lubricants if your vagina gets too dry.  There are other medications that are available for treatment like antidepressant medications. Your doctor will sort it out for you, you don’t have to worry. 


Obviously, perimenopause is a part of life and it has to arrive one day. There’s no stopping it but you can ease the pain by consulting your doctor, taking medications, and exercising regularly.

 For more informative articles, visit lifestyle.

Sara Alfonso: