Scientists Find “Dragon Man” Species That Preyed On Neanderthals

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  • Scientists may have unearthed a new species in the human evolution chain
  • The Dragon Man species might have preyed on the Neanderthal men in the earlier era
  • This might bring a new outlook to the chain of human evolution over the last million years.

The evolutionary history of mankind has not only been very complex, but very mysterious as well. Most evolutionary biologists say that nothing can be mentioned clearly about the origin of human beings in the past, as the only evidence is found from the dilapidated fossils. Despite all of these challenges, biologists have been able to chart down a certain sequence of human evolution and their ancestral line. It has been discovered by Chinese scientists that there might have been a species of human beings during the times of Neanderthals. This species is being called the “Dragon Man”.

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Excavations Of Dragon Man Fossils In China And Israel

The fossils of this new species in the human evolutionary line have been found in the excavations in China and Israel. It might be a new species that was not recognized in the past, or it can also be an old species that turned out to be an anomaly among the known species. The scientists have not been able to agree with each other on this matter, but this revelation can help them understand the stage of evolution at which human beings developed their predatory qualities.

Homo longi is stated to be the scientific name of this new species which seems to be closer to Homo sapiens in comparison to the Neanderthals. The fossil was found early in 1933 near the Dragon river in the Heilongjiang district of China. After conducting a series of tests over several years, it has been found that the species might be even closer to human beings than the other fossils which have been found till now.

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Some have also argued that the skulls may belong to the early Neanderthals who were undergoing changes in the evolutionary process. Most of the remains still need to be excavated for clear answers.

DNA And Genetic Analysis To Find Differences

DNA analysis and other such tests have shown that the Dragon Man is more of a predator than the Neanderthals. It is likely that this species actively preyed on the Neanderthals.

Do you think that the unearthing of Dragon Man species will lead to some other changes in our knowledge of the evolutionary history of men? Let us know in the comment section below.

For more interesting articles, visit Discovery.


View Comments (1)

  • Were there any examples of "Dragon Man" found in Europe? If so were they from an older or more recient timeline than Neanderthal?