Social Media Trends – How Bizarre Can They Really Be?

Social Media Trends - How Bizarre Can They Really Be?

Reading Time: 3 minutes


  • These bizarre social media trends just keep on getting weirder
  • Doing the tik-tok dance challenge is one thing, but risking your life to do a trend that makes zero sense is a whole other level of low
  • The main question is, how do people even come up with these ideas?

Do you remember the time when everybody was doing Kiki Challenge out of their moving cars? It wasn’t too long ago, right? We all already know how dumb and deadly it was. Well, during our research on the internet, we came across other such foolish social media trends and tik-tok challenges floating around on social media.

1) The Salt And Ice Challenge

This one does not include fire, yet some people can and did end up getting second and third-degree burns. The willing participants who did this social media trend basically placed salt and ice on their exposed skin and held them together to see who is able to withstand the pain longer.

The Salt And Ice Challenge

2) The Outlet Challenge

This challenge requires you to plug your phone’s charger into an outlet and to slide in a coin using an exposed arm. In many circumstances, this led to several short circuits and fires. Many people could even have been electrocuted.

3) The Fire Challenge

This is highly self-explanatory. People poured flammable substances on their bodies and then lit themselves on fire in front of the camera.

4) The Choking Game

This challenge was quite straightforward. Participants look for strategies to cut their oxygen supply in order to acquire some odd high but end up passing out. You see, not a lot of bright folks. And this has also taken its fair share of lives.

The Choking Game

5) Tide-Pod Challenge

This bizarre social media trend involved eating washing detergent packages and sharing videos on social media. Most of these videos have been deleted from YouTube.

6) Helium Huffing

This is pretty common on sitcoms and throughout the late-night shows, where celebrities speak in various humorous voices after inhaling helium. This trend might seem safe, right? But it isn’t. Pressured inhalation of helium can drive oxygen out of your body and break down your lungs, as many have tragically discovered in the last few years.

7) Neknomination

It started as a trend where people chugged drinks and nominated other individuals to do the same. In some situations, though it caused significant hangovers and vomiting and alcohol poisoning, things really turned weird when individuals drank from glasses containing dead rodents and/or goldfish.

8) Inhaling Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous Oxide is used by doctors to knock you out. However, it creates a sense of exhilaration, followed by giggles when used as a recreational drug. It can also lead to heart attacks and blackouts. It might even inactivate vitamin B12 which in turn harms the spinal cord.

Inhaling Nitrous Oxide

9) Snorting Condoms

This was one of the weirdest and most senseless social media trends in which people just snorted condoms until they came out of their mouths. This stupidity often ended up killing these people or most of them ended up in the emergency rooms.

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10) The Boiling Water Challenge

Fairly straightforward, again. One would wonder how people come up with these ideas! This requires you to live in extremely cold locations, then spray hot water in the air to see it convert into ice immediately. Here’s the thing, however- that water is still hot and often causes serious burns if it falls back on you.

The Boiling Water Challenge

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To Do Or Not To Do? Social Media Trends Edition

If you’ve ever wondered whether or not to participate in any certain social media trends just because everyone else is doing it – Pause! And think. Is it really worth all the energy you will be wasting on it? Doing a tik-tok dance challenge is one thing, but the trends which put your life at risk are just not worth it. 

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shreya jain:

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