
Shri Kartarpur Sahib –  Gurdwara Kartarpur Sahib History, Importance And How To Reach

The Darbar Sahib gurdwara Kartarpur, commonly known as Shri Kartarpur Sahib, is a gurdwara in… Read More

Pakistan Independence Day – Why Pakistan Celebrate Independence On 14 August

The clock struck 12:00 am at midnight. A new day was ahead for the Indian… Read More

Bilawal Hina Affair – Is Something Still Cooking Between The Ex Couple?

A surprising claim involving the Pakistan People's Party and Minister Of foreign affairs, Bilawal Hina… Read More

What Is Happening In Pakistan – All Events Are Fully Explained

Pakistan's former Prime Minister, Imran Khan has been de-notified on Sunday after the deputy speaker… Read More

Role Of Mahatma Gandhi In Creation of Pakistan: Birth of Pakistan

Introduction When examined in the context of known history, these are revealed to be ingenious… Read More

Everything about India-Pakistan 1971 War

Two incidents in March 1971 triggered a problem in Pakistan, specifically in its east wing.… Read More

Chris Gayle Announces That He Will Visit Pakistan To show solidarity

Highlights Chris Gayle announces that he will go to Pakistan in solidarity with the playersNew… Read More