The History Of Twitter And How Twitter Is Used For Business

History Of Twitter - Trending Reader

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The history of Twitter is quite an interesting one. So, is the Twitter story. Twitter is a social networking platform created to let friends, family, and coworkers stay in touch by exchanging brief, frequent messages. Tweeting is the practice of sending quick messages to your Twitter followers in the hopes that they would find them informative and entertaining. In this article, we shall learn more about Twitter; how Twitter was started, and who were the founders of Twitter. Besides these, we shall also look into a rough timeline and analyze in the modern day, how Twitter is used for business. 

The History Of Twitter

  • Founders

The history of Twitter dates back to early 2006 when NYU student Jack Dorsey introduced several of his coworkers at the podcasting business Odeo, to a novel idea for online communication. Following are the Founders of Twitter: 

The official history of the microblogging network only names Jack Dorsey, Evan Williams, an ex-Google employee, and Biz Stone as co-founders. But a few years earlier, it became evident that another person, Noah Glass, had also played a crucial role from the start. 

Founders of Twitter
  • CEO

Jack Patrick Dorsey was the first CEO of Twitter. The concept of a network for exchanging status updates was created by Jack Dorsey. A platform where users could rapidly describe what they were doing at any given time was what was intended.

In the next section, know how Twitter was started, what was its state during the initial days, and how Twitter is used for business.

Twitter Story: How Twitter Was Started?

On 15th July 2006, Twitter, one of the largest social media platforms in the world, was initially launched. Let’s learn more about the Twitter story. 

Dorsey’s initial concept was based on the idea of a platform that would work similarly to text messaging and allow users to communicate brief messages with groups of people. The twtrr app, a Twitter prototype, was created in the middle of 2006. Evan Williams acquired shares from the owners of Odeo and then Twitter after correctly predicting that the first plan would not succeed. 

In addition to firing Noah Glass, he changed the company’s name to Obvious Corp., which hurt his standing with customers and staff. Staff from Odeo claimed that different perspectives were most likely to blame for the issue. The turning point in Twitter’s expansion occurred during the South by Southwest Interactive conference in 2007. During this event, the daily Twitter usage increased exponentially. In the history of Twitter, the platform was used by several hundred conference attendees to converse frequently. 

The First Tweet

You may be wondering, what was the first tweet ever made? With so many millions and millions of tweets that have occurred just this year, wouldn’t it be difficult to keep track of the first tweet? Thankfully, nothing ever dies on the internet, and thus the Twitter story. 

On March 21, 2006, Jack Dorsey, the company’s initial CEO, sent out the first tweet which said: “Just setting up my twttr.” 

Timeline: Evolution of Twitter

To summarize the events leading up to the existence of Twitter as we all know it, here’s a quick Twitter timeline:

November 2004

Evan Williams and Biz Stone left their positions at Google in November 2004 to co-found Odeo with their neighbor Noah Glass.

February 2006

The concept of a “status,” where users can text messages to others to let them know what they’re doing, was discussed by Dorsey and Glass around this time. 

March 2006

Dorsey creates a prototype of Twitter, which he calls “twttr” and makes the first tweet, “just putting up my twttr.”

July 2006 

Due to growing workplace strife and Dorsey’s support, Williams fires Glass. In the same month, on 15th July 2006 – Twitter, one of the largest social media platforms in the world, was launched. 

October 2006

Williams, Stone, and Jack Dorsey acquire the majority of Odeo’s assets from the company’s founders and investors in order to transform it into Twitter.

March 2007

Twitter makes its first foray into the public eye by winning “best startup” at South by Southwest.

April 2007

Twitter formally separates from the parent firm. Williams makes Dorsey its CEO.

And since then, Twitter has continued its reign as one of the most transformative social media platforms, allowing for debates and discussions to occur. Several other changes did occur, but it was mainly in relation to the user interface getting upgraded with changing technology and of course, the change in CEO. 

How Twitter Is Used For Business

For people with an interest in economics, you may be wondering how Twitter is used for business. Worry not, we have you covered. 

According to sources and the general user interface and algorithm, Twitter provides businesses with a cheap means of communicating with their clientele. When used appropriately and meaningfully, Twitter may improve brand recognition and marketing for businesses. 

Firstly, It enables businesses to engage with customers directly, giving them access to global audiences rather than continuously pushing products and services. Customers, on the other hand, can be the ones to promote a brand when a business opens a Twitter account. The platform would allow the businesses to monitor the industry trends and how their market competitors are doing. 

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