What Can We Expect From Humans After 1000 Years?

humans in 1000 years

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  • Humans are still evolving and we can expect a lot of changes in humans after 1,000 years
  • Humans can increase their functioning through technology
  • There are even expectations of immortality in the future.

Humans have evolved for a long time and are still evolving today. Our average height or our lifespan is different from what it was years ago. It can be said that the reason behind this is the development of science. The human brain is so good that even the computer system is not close to it. Artificial Intelligence is growing tremendously and we can expect a lot of development for humanity in the future.

Technology And Humans After 1000 Years

In the future, there is the possibility of humans merging with technology. These technologies will aid in improving human functioning like hearing, eyesight, heartbeat, etc. Technology can help the blind to see. Furthermore, it can also help in seeing things that are not visible to the naked eye.

Not only from the outside, but humans will evolve from the inside too. On a microscopic level, it is estimated that our genes will also evolve. This evolution is mainly to aid in survival. A study discovered that in Africa, there is a group of children suffering from HIV who are still living healthy lives. It is said that they have a built-in defense that not only fights against HIV but also prevents its growth. Apart from that, there are gene-editing tools that can alter the genes and DNA of humans. This editing of human genes can be used to make humans immune to diseases and perhaps even aging. 

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Another thing that one can expect in the future is moving to other planets. It has been said that some of the humans might even move to Mars. Mars receives less sunlight as compared to earth. This could mean that humans living on Mars will evolve to have much larger pupils in order to absorb more light to see. Moreover, Mars’ gravitational pull is 38% of that of the Earth, which can make the humans living on Mars taller than average.

The biggest change that can take place is immortality. It sounds impossible, but there is a possibility. For attaining immortality, humans will need to download their consciousness into a machine. Scientists are trying to experiment with this to see if the consciousness of humans can be transferred or not.

What Do You Think Would Be The Condition Of Humans After 1000 Years?

Technological development is extremely useful for humans, who are evolving and improving day by day and are expecting the same in the future also. One thing is for sure – the human race is always changing and will keep changing in the future also. One cannot predict their future and it’s not certain what will happen to humans after 1,000 years, but one can always expect a more technologically developed future.

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Sara Alfonso: