What is Happening in China? Is Chinese President Xi Jinping Under House Arrest?

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Rumours are doing rounds around the internet that China’s President, Xi Jinping has been put under house arrest. While there haven’t been any official statements released by the country, the netizens are thrilled at the news and have been sharing and resharing numerous posts and memes taking a dig at the president. Read further to know what is happening in China, turbulence in the political situation with a coup in China 2022, what is a coup in China, and how true is the news of Chinese President Xi Jinping under house arrest.

What Is Happening In China?

After a Chinese human right activist, Jennifer Zeng, shared a video on Twitter which had a PLA military convoy of about 80 kilometers long, leading to the city of Beijing, and with certain overseas news reporting that most of the international and domestic flights in China have been ceased, ultimately cutting the country’s communication with the works, it is quite likely that the news of Chinese President Xi Jinping under house arrest is true. 

While there had long been internal unrest in the party, the news has come after another supposed news of the seniors of the CCP, the Chinese Communist Party, having removed Xi Jinping as PLA’s head.

What Is Coup In China?

Literally, a coup is defined as the sudden and mostly illegal change of government in a violent turn of events. Now you must be wondering, what is a coup in China? To answer your question, the current happenings in China have led to a Twitter hashtag trend of the China coup.

It is believed that with the ousting of the president by the People’s Litigation Army (PLA) led by General Li Qiaoming, and their holding Xi Jinping under house arrest, everything much likely points toward a growing coup in China 2022. This was seen due to the internal turbulence happening ever since Xi Jinping ascended as the President of China.

Is The Chinese President Xi Jinping Under House Arrest?

In conclusion, it is still unsure to say what exactly is the situation in the People’s Republic of China until an official statement is released by a trusted media source or the officials themselves. But as the seriousness of the tension increases, it will be a major plot twist in 9 years of President Xi Jinping’s rule.

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