Who Is Parshuram? Know All About Parshuram Jayanti

Who Is Parshuram | Trending Reader

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On the tithi of Shukla Paksha Tritiya of the Hindu month of Vaishakh, the birth anniversary of Lord Parshuram, the entire guru of the Brahmin caste, is commemorated. “Parashuram Dwadashi” is another name for it. Parashuram Jayanti is another name for Akshaya Tritiya. Read this article to know who is Parshuram, who is Parshuram wife, why Parshuram is immortal, and why Parshuram killed his mother?

Who Is Parshuram?

In Hinduism, Parashurama is the 6th Vishnu incarnation, born in the Satya Yuga (Krit Yuga). Jamadagni is the son of Renuka and one of the saptarishis. Parshuram is one of the Chiranjivi (immortals) of Hinduism who lived during the later Treta and Dwapara Yugas.  Brahmin Parashurama obtained his legendary ax after performing horrible penances to please Shiva, who then taught him Kalaripayattu (the mother of all martial arts).

After the great monarch Kartavirya Arjuna slew his father, Parashurama is most remembered for purging the world of Kshatriyas twenty-one times. In Ramayana and Mahabharata, he plays a key role as a tutor to Bhishma, Drona, and Karna. So, now you know who is Parshuram, let’s discuss who is Parshuram wife.

Who Is Parshuram Wife?

Most people believe Lord Parashurama to be lifelong celibacy. He is portrayed as an ascetic who prays and meditates for the greater good of humanity in general.

In Srimad Bhagavatham, there is no mention of Parashurama getting married. However, Dharani is described in the Vishnu Puranam as Parashurama’s wife.

Why Parshuram Is Immortal?

According to Vishnu Purana, Lord Shiva trained Lord Parashurama to be a fighter and gave him a Rudramsha (a part or element of Lord Shiva himself) during his initiation rite as a Shiva student. Except if they are killed by Lord Shiva himself, all who possess Rudramsha are spared death. This is about why Parshuram is immortal.

Why Parshuram Killed His Mother?

Jamadagni was Parshuram’s father, while Renuka was his mother. Renuka was dispatched by Jamadagni from the ghat to gather water for worship. The Yaksha demon was bathing at the ghat Renuka visited. Renuka grew preoccupied with keeping an eye on him. It was too late to go fetch any water. Jamadagni proceeded to Bhanna after she returned. Inquire as to why it took so long. Renuka did not provide an explanation. Katti left the house and went to work.

Jamadagni has now stopped Parshuram’s father as well. There were no light men to be found. Trikala noticed Renuka’s predicament. She ordered all her guys to line up and slit her mother’s throat when it was discovered that she was watching the demon’s bath. I raised the ax and placed it around the neck of the victim. The back of the neck rolled.

‘Evamastu,’ Jamadagni replied, pleased with his son’s dedication. You are free to ask whatever you wish. This was something Parshuram had been looking forward to. Return the mother if you’re going to speak. Jamadagni had to resurrect Parshuram’s mother.

Parshuram’s Temple

The Parashuram Mahadev Cave Temple, which is located in Aravalli, Rajasthan, is a Shiva temple. Parashuram Mahadev Cave Temple, nestled in the hills’ cave, is said to have been erected by Parashuram himself.


He was Jamadagni’s fifth son. When Lord Parshuram was born, there was a feud between the Brahmins and the Kshatriyas. The Puranas, on the other hand, makes no mention of his death. It is thought that after achieving his aim, he left the planet on his own. This blog was all about who is Parshuram, why Parshuram killed his mother, how he became immortal, and his Jayanti!

Priyanka Priyadarshini: