Who Shot Laden – The Mastermind Behind The 9/11 Attack

Who Shot Laden | Trending Reader

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In the early hours of 9th September 2001, 19 terrorist hijackers who later were found to have connections with the Islamist extremist group, Al- Qaeda, took hold of four commercial flights and were successful in crashing them into world-famous American buildings, such as the Twin Towers, the Pentagon, etc. which witnessed the most terrible deaths of innocents and officials in the world history! But, why did Osama Bin Laden attack New York? How was Osama Laden killed? Who shot Laden? 

On May 2, 2011, Osama Bin Laden—founder of the militant Islamist organization Al-Qaeda was killed by US forces in Pakistan. This article will walk you through the most traumatic event witnessed by the human eye and will uncover the motives behind the 9/11 attack. 

The Attack On Humanity – The Most Traumatic Event For Americans

The 9/11 attacks were a series of four attacks by the Islamist militant group, Al-Qaeda led by Osama Bin Laden who hijacked four commercial flights from the north-eastern US to California. The 19 hijackers, which had at least one flight-trained individual, were organized into four groups, the first three consisting of five hijackers and the last involving four. 

The first aircraft, American Airlines Flight 11 was made to crash the North Tower of the World Trade Center at 08:46 am followed by the destruction of the South Tower by the United Airlines Flight 175 at 09:03 am. These consecutive attacks also destroyed other buildings, such as the 7 WTC buildings and buildings located nearby. The third plane, American Airlines Flight 77 was made to crash into the Pentagon in Virginia. The last flight, United Airlines Flight 93, which was hijacked by four Islamist militants, crashed itself into a field near Pennsylvania. The crew and the passengers were alerted before about the hijacking and other crashes, which brewed disturbances and conflicts with the attackers. Thus, amidst fear of loose control of the aircraft, the hijackers crashed it near a field at 10:03 on the same day. It is believed that the final target of Al-Qaeda was either the White House or the Capitol. 

The death toll was more than any other attack in world history. While 2,996 were killed, 6,000 were injured. The majority of the dead and injured were innocent civilians, officials, firefighters, and the hijackers as well. While the people in the North Tower could not save themselves, few in the South Tower were successful in doing so. The youngest killed was a baby of 2 years who was traveling with his parents on one of the flights and the oldest killed was a senior citizen who was also aboard one of the aircraft systems. 

But, why did Osama Bin Laden attack New York? How did the US respond to such an attack? How was Osama Laden killed and who shot Laden? Head to the subsequent sections to know more! 

The Al-Qaeda And The 9/11 Attack – Why Did Osama Bin Laden Attack New York?

In the year of 1996, Osama Bin Laden, the mastermind behind Al-Qaeda announced his first official order urging the American troops to leave Saudi after the Gulf War ended. Another fatwa issued by him in 1998 objected to the US support of Israel. In his “Letter To America“, Al-Qaeda mentioned its motives behind the 9/11 attack. The letter read such motives: 

  1. U.S support of Israel
  2. Supporting attacks on Muslims in Somalia
  3. Supporting the Philippines for attacking Islam followers
  4. Supporting Israel’s attacks on Muslims
  5. Sanctions against Iraq
  6. Supporting Indian aggression towards the Muslims in Kashmir

While Osama and his followers published numerous audio and videotapes criticizing the American Government for their actions towards the Islamic States, political analysts pointed out few other motives behind the attacks. Daniel Benjamin and Steven Simon in their book talked about the attack on humanity by Laden. They argued that the attack was purely religious, it was intended to redefine Islamist rule over the globe which was destroyed by the superior American power. Bernard Lewis had put forward his Globalization theory as the root cause of the 9/11 attack. 

For decades, the Islamic Power was somewhere lost behind the increasing Western influence on the globe. The 9/11 attack was launched to restore the Islamic power over the globe, outshining the Western Forces. Another theory puts forward that the 9/12 attack was the best way to provoke America into the war which would lead to a pan-Islamist revolution in the Muslim world and would be enough to gain sympathy against Americans. For example- When President George Bush declared War on Terror and the 2003 Invasion of Iraq, the Islamic State of Iraq was established. 

Damages To Global Economy – Was The 9/11 Attack A Result Of Negligence Of American Intelligence?

Amidst the selection of Mohammed Atta, Marwan Al- Shehhi, Ziad Jarrah, Ramzi Bin al Shibh, and others as hijackers for training in the US before the 9/11 attack, the Alec Station did not inform about the secret meetings held by the members of the Al- Qaeda to the FBI. Again, the Malaysian Special Branch warned the CIA about the secret meetings of the suspects involved with Al-Qaeda, the CIA never cared to transfer this information to other military agencies! 

While others issued alerts about the launching of a terrorist attack, the CIA presumed that the victim would be the Saudis or Israel. Similar negligence by the CIA such as not responding properly, and not disclosing personal details about the suspects is also accountable for the attack. 

Reactions And Responses To The 9/11 Attack

In response to the attack, US President George Bush launched an invasion program to Afghanistan in the hope to destroy the extremist Al-Qaeda and killing Laden. 

While the landing of aircraft was banned for 3 days on American soil, the NSA was given huge powers to keep a watch on telecommunications, which were later criticized. Financial aid was provided to the survivors and families of the victims of the 9/11 attack. Hate crimes were also launched against Muslims and Sikhs, and all Middle Eastern people. 

Though Muslim Americans supported the victims of the war, many were discriminated against for their religion and ethnicity. Governments around the globe strengthened their security systems to combat further terrorist attacks. The global economy also witnessed a steep downfall. 

Who Shot Laden – How Was Osama Laden Killed

While Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the mastermind behind the attack who was an associate of Laden was arrested in 2003, the American Government was unsuccessful in hunting down the leader! But, as they say, there is light at the end of the tunnel! 

In the year 2007, the US Intelligence Agency was successful in hunting down a courier that was involved with Laden. By 2010, by keeping an eye on the courier, the Agency traced the whereabouts of Laden near Abbottabad in Pakistan. 

Upon further investigation and increasing suspicion, on 29th April 2011, President Barack Obama formed a SEAL Team to carry out the killing of Laden, codenamed “Operation Neptune Spear”. Soon after the establishment of the SEAL team, the members without informing the Pakistan Government, launched a raid on the compound in Abbottabad, killing the mastermind Laden and his sons. No civilians were hurt during the mission. Followed by the killing, his body was buried near the Arabian Sea, followed by Islamic customs and rituals. Soon after the last rites, President Barack Obama addressed the nation and announced the death of Laden. While DNA tests confirmed his death, nothing was published in the newspaper and other media which led the people to question his death.

Conclusion – The EndNote

The 9/11 attack was not only an attack on the global economy and political system, it was an attack on humanity and humankind. To date, people near the Twin Towers suffer from genetic diseases and disorders, children are born with birth defects! Though the World Trade Center was destroyed, the construction of new buildings was completed in the year 2006. The One World Trade Center and the 3 World Trade Center were completed in the year 2014 and 2018 respectively. The Pentagon was repaired within a year of the Attack. Several war Memorials and vigils were also established. 

But, the question is, “though the SEAL Team Six is who shot Laden, why the newspapers did not publish the DNA reports?”and “Was Pakistan aiding Al-Qaeda and Laden in his hideout?” We are leaving the answers to you! 

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Saagrika Sarkar: