Anti Child Labour Day

Anti Child Labour Day History, Significance, Themes, Quotes And Poster Ideas

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Even after many years of Independence, countries such as India and other developing nations could not free themselves from the menace of child labour. The International Labour Union declared June 12 Anti Child Labour Day to fight against the global threat. This article will take you to the anti child labour day history and will also share some anti child labour day quotes to share with others. Also here is a glance at anti child labour day poster ideas and why to celebrate anti child labour day.

Anti Child Labour Day

In the words of the International Labour Union, child labour is “work that deprives children of their childhood, their potential and their dignity and that is harmful to physical and mental health”. 

Thus, in order to raise awareness among the masses of the potential threats child labour carries for the child and the society as a whole, and also to work towards eradicating this societal problem, the ILO in the year 2002 declared June 12 as Anti Child labour Day.

anti child labour day quotes

Anti Child Labour Day History

According to the United Nations, about 150 children are caught in the vicious clutches of child labour which has the potential to ruin their entire innocence! Africa ranks first among the child labour countries, both in percentage and absolute numbers. 

Soon after its establishment in 1919, the ILO has been working toward improving the working conditions of labourers across the globe. Following years witnessed ILO to raise the minimum age of employment and take down child labour! Finally, the International Labour Organization in the year of 2002 adopted June 12 as anti child labour Day. The day not only focuses on creating awareness about the ever-increasing plight of child workers but also urges the governments of all countries to support the abolition of child labour. 

Why To Celebrate Anti Child Labour Day? 

The United Nations, in collaboration with the International Labour Union, has decided the theme for Anti Child Labour Day 2022 to be, “Universal Social Protection to End Child Labour”. The day focuses on the education of children while giving them the life of dignity they deserve. On this day, the ILO, in collaboration with the governments of different countries come forward to support the education of the deprived children. 

Besides, the day hosts many campaigns and awareness programs to aware the public about the mental and physical torture the child goes through while working as a child labourer. The ILO urges everyone to come forward and help in the fight to remove the problem from its roots. 

Anti Child Labour Day Quotes

Below are some of the useful anti child labour day quotes for sharing with your friends and family:

  1. On the occasion of World Day Against Child Labour, let us join hands against this crime which kills the joy of living for children and makes this world a dark place.
  2. Each and every child deserves a childhood and no one in this world has the power to take that away from them.
  3. Child Labor is a crime, abolish it to prevent it!
  4. Do not destroy the dreams of a child by making him work during his childhood! Child labour is evil!
  5. Let us sacrifice our today so that our children can have a better tomorrow. 
  6. Child labour and poverty are inevitably bound together and if you continue to use the labour of children as the treatment for the social disease of poverty, you will have both poverty and child labour to the end of time”

Anti Child Labour Day Poster Ideas

Below are some of the interesting Anti Child Labour Day poster ideas for students:

anti child labour day quotes
anti child labour day poster ideas
why to celebrate anti child labour day

Few Final Words

It is important to remember that we cannot abolish child labour without working on global poverty. Poverty and child labour are intertwined with each other. Thus, until and unless we work towards eradicating poverty, our future generation will continue to suffer through child labour. 

Let us all come towards and fight for the social menace. We hope that this article on anti child labour day history gives you ample understanding of why to celebrate anti child labour day. 

Let us join hands together to save our future! 

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