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The Strangest Places In The World

The Strangest Places In The World
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Our planet Earth is an amazing and surreal place to live in amidst the awe-inspiring destination and admirable visiting spots. However, there are always two sides to a coin. And this unusual and weird side of Earth isn’t something horrible but instead, it piques your curiosity to know the strangest places in the world.  The mysteries related to these spots remain to be unresolved while some of them have little plausible explanation of the occurences.

Strangest Places In The World

Here, we bring to you the top 10 strangest places in the world that one can visit if one wants to explore the bizarre aura of these places.

1. Catacombs of Paris, France

You might know Paris for its romantic vibe and beautiful architectural grandeur. However, you are in for a surprise when we tell you, there’s a whole web of tunnels underneath the city that’s lined with bones and skulls. The Catacombs were built in the 17th century to transfer bones to tunnels to prevent the foul smell of decomposing corpses from troubling residents.

2. Spotted Lake, Canada

This is also a magnificent creation of nature situated in British Columbia. Due to the deposits of many different minerals in the lake, like silver, titanium, calcium and sodium sulphate, when the water evaporates in summer, it leaves behind circular spots that give the lake its name. 

Spotted Lake, Canada

3. Pamukkale, Turkey

Literally meaning the cotton castle, Pamukkale is a travertine terrace made of calcium carbonate deposits from abundant hot springs. They are dramatically picturesque natural formations and people can even bath in the water pools over it. The place is a UNESCO-recognised worldwide heritage site.

Pamukkale, Turkey
Source- Shutterstock

4. Salar De Uyuni, Bolivia

Located in the Potos and Oruro department, Salar De Uyuni is the world’s largest salt pan left behind by the prehistoric lakes that evaporated long ago. What makes it picturesque is the polygonal and quilted patterns of salt that rise from the ground, making it a beautiful salt expanse.

5. Thor’s Well, USA

Situated on the Oregon coast edge, it is a huge bowl-shaped sinkhole that never fills up in spite of being right in the middle of the sea. Why it makes it to the list of strangest places in the world because during the high tide, the hole gets filled from the bottom and water sprays out. However, soon after, in low tide, the water starts draining into the hole and the pair of processes never ends. 

6. Guelb, Mauritania

Guelb er Richât or Richat structure is a circular geological formation located in the Adrar Plateau of the Sahara. This eye of Africa was formed more than 480 million years ago. It is also visible from space with a diameter of 38 kilometres, in concentric circles of black, white and reddish hues.

Guelb, Mauritania

7. Mendenhall Ice Caves, Alaska

These caves are counted as the strangest places in the world because of their 21 km long magnificent blue ceiling of ice glaciers over which the water flows. The blue tints in ice crystals inside the caves are what makes the researchers take interest in these formations.

8. Lake Retba, Senegal

Lac Rose, as known among the locals, is a pink-watered lake. This peculiar and beautiful colour of the water is caused by a bacteria, Dunaliella Salina, that lives on the abundantly salty lake. These bacteria absorb sunlight and impart this unique colour especially visible during the dry season.

Lake Retba, Senegal
Source: Talkafrica

9. Danakil Depression, Ethiopia

It is the hottest place on Earth all year round that lies 100 metres below sea level and is also known as the gate to hell. The hot springs and colourful acid pools strong enough to melt flesh make it look like an otherworldly place. The land here is made of sulfur crust and brittle salt, not hard rocks or soil.

Danakil Depression, Ethiopia

10. Pancake Rocks, New Zealand

This one weird formation of pancake-shaped rocks is what lists the place into the strangest places in the world. These are formed by thousands of layers of sandstone and limestone that got collected on the ocean floor and emerged to look like pancakes stacked together into small mountains. Some of these are even wheelchair accessible.

10.	Pancake Rocks, New Zealand


So, what do you think of these ten strangest places in the world? To say the least, it is safe to visit these places but some of them might require special safety gear to go near the weird places. However, it is a fun and fulfilling experience to know and see these places with the naked eye and bask in the beauty that nature is and other man-made places are.

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