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10 Unprecedented Phobias That Will Crack You Up

10 Unpredecented Phobias That Will Crack You Up
Reading Time: 3 minutes
  • A silly-sounding phobia also cause extreme stress to the individual
  • Several weird and funny phobias exist that people have never even heard of
  • Treatment for such phobias according to the type is available.

Fear is common for people of all stages and ages. But some people are afraid of unwanted things. That’s termed phobia. It’s an anxiety disorder. You all hear about some phobias like fear of heights, spiders, public places, water, and blood, etc. But other than these still some phobias exist which makes us laugh a lot.

Rarely Known Phobias To People

  1. Fear Of Beards (Pogonophobia)

Yes, you read that correctly. It also comes under phobia. People with pogonophobia experience intense fear or dislike towards bearded people, which may also affect their social lives. People may find it silly or stupid, but it can be extremely scary for the sufferers. Symptoms of this anxiety disorder include irregular heartbeat, trembling, and sometimes panic attacks. There is no particular cure for pogonophobia, but psychotherapy or talk therapy might help beat this fear. Other than these, CBT, hypnotherapy, and NLP therapy can also be done under expert practitioner guidance.

  1. Fear Of Bathing (Ablutophobia)

People with ablutophobia may experience breathlessness, dizziness, nausea, dry mouth, feeling sick, shaking at regular intervals. Not only in children, but now adults are still facing this issue. Other symptoms include the inability to think clearly. For severe sufferers, hypnosis is more helpful.  

Fear of Bathing,Washing & Cleaning? Know the reasons. – Titbits India
Fear Of Bathing (Ablutophobia)
  1. Fear Of Belly Buttons (Omphalophobia)

The person with this disorder is afraid to touch or see belly buttons, even their own belly buttons too.  When someone accidentally touches their belly, they would tremble, shake, flee, feel nauseous and experience an increase in heartbeat. It can be treated with Cognitive- Behaviour Therapy(CBT), hypnosis, and psychotherapy. 

  1. Fear Of Hair (Chaetophobia)

People with this anxiety disorder fear their hair, other’s hair, and even animal hair. Even a hairball on the ground or in a comb can also scare them. This phobia might be a spin-off of germaphobia i.e., Fear of germs. Intensive therapy or medication can be helpful in their treatment. 

That strange fear of cutting your hair | Consulente di immagine, Rossella  Migliaccio
Fear Of Hair (Chaetophobia)
  1. Fear Of Women (Gynophobia)

It would be the funniest phobia you ever heard of because any human being is brought to this world by a woman. They might get this disorder by emasculation. Symptoms include over-fear or worry when seeing a woman, feeling anxious when getting physically closer to them, upset stomach, dizziness, or faintness when any woman is near. Mostly, children with bad past experiences develop this kind of phobia. Psychotherapy can be done for the treatment. Medication is also helpful in their treatment.

  1. Fear Of Number 8 (Octophobia)

You might have heard about the fear of numbers. But it is different. People with such phobia fear the symbol eight. This fear might occur to their similarity with the infinity symbol. The never-ending symbol might cause dizziness to some people. Psychotherapy helps cure this disorder. 

40 Absolutely Bizarre Phobias
Fear Of Number 8 (Octophobia)
  1. Fear Of Chickens (Alektorophobia)

It is common among vegetarians. But there are many reasons for this anxiety disorder. They might have undergone any terrible experience with chicken, might have grow-up in an area with lots of chicken, or it can be genetic too. The symptoms vary for different persons. Some common symptoms are severe anxiety, dizziness, rapid heart rate, shaking, etc. CBT is preferred to overcome this phobia. This phobia is added to the fifth version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders(DSM-V).

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  1. Fear Of Being Without Mobile (Nomophobia)

It is common in people of all ages nowadays. Past traumatic experiences may also act as contributing factors in developing this disorder. Its symptoms include extreme anxiety and fear when not having their phone near. The treatment for this disorder is self-control practices. 

Do you have nomophobia - a fear of being without your phone? - Tech Guide
Fear Of Being Without Mobile (Nomophobia)
  1. Fear Of Peanut Butter Sticking To Mouth Roof (Arachibutyrophobia)

It is also one of the funniest phobias to exist. People with this phobia might only have one drop of peanut butter with their food for while others may not even like to try. The most common cause is choking on butter or allergy. The treatment is to avoid butter and try self-medication.

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  1.  Fear Of Clothing (Vestiphobia)

This anxiety disorder can be caused due to bad past experiences with tight-fitting.  It can also come from an allergy to any fabric. It can also cause Claustrophobia. The treatment is CBT and hypnosis.

Vestiphobia - The Fear of Clothing | The Fact Shop
Fear Of Clothing

Money matters in all stages and ages. Running towards earning money is also essential to lead a peaceful life. It is the common mindset for people. But it is considered as a phobia when they experience extreme fear or anxiety due to lack of money. There are many other phobias similar to this.

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