grandparents day

Know The Significance & Importance Of Grandparents’ Day

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  • Small gestures can show deep feelings. Hold the door open for them, water their plants, and talk to them
  • Make sure you listen to them and you’re not the one doing all the talking
  • Celebrate every day as Grandparent’s day.

The people who give you the most attention and affection are probably your grandparents. They have all the time in the world for you and spend almost all of it giving you knowledge, love, and affection. However, in most cases, we forget to express our gratitude to them. On 12th September 2021, National Grandparents Day is celebrated to remember grandparents, their wisdom, love, and care. This day is celebrated to celebrate their loveliness and importance in our life. We look up to them in many ways, and this day reminds us every year why they are important, and that we should express our gratitude to them as well.

2021 Date For Grandparents’ Day

Every year Grandparents’ day is celebrated on Sunday followed by Labor Day, which makes it the second Sunday of September. This year, it was celebrated on 12th September all around the nation and the social media timeline was overflowing with warm wishes as people posted sweet messages for their grandparents.

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The Story Behind Grandparents’ Day

Russell Capper sent a letter to the President in 1969, when he was just 9 years old. In this letter, he expressed his request to have a day for grandparents. In 1977, a joint resolution was passed by the Senators and a request to set aside a day for grandparents was made. In 1978, the proclamation was signed by the President and thus, on September 10, 1978, it was celebrated for the first time. Thanks to Russell Capper and Jimmy Carter, we have this special day every year.

Significance Of Grandparents’ Day

Grandparents have more influence on your childhood than you realize. The stories they tell you or the experiences that they share with you are priceless and stay with you till the end of time. You would understand the significance of this day better if you have working parents and your grandparents play a major role in your upbringing. They nurture your spiritual, mental, and physical growth too. It would be very unfair to not thank your grandparents for their contribution to your life. We usually grow up and forget to appreciate our grandparents amidst all the hustle in our life. On this day at least, you can make them feel special and thank them for everything they have done for you. This is a great way to enhance intergenerational communication.

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Final Words

Our Grandparents introduce us to our legacy and keep us connected to our family values and traditions, and this is an essential part of who we are and what we can become in the future. You must appreciate your grandparents every single day but if you are too busy to do that, you can at least make their day better with a few sweet words and warmth and by being there for them on Grandparents’ Day.

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