Holi is one of India’s most well-known festivals, celebrated as a festival of colors and joy. Indians celebrate Holi every year from the end of February to the middle of March as a symbol of good triumphing over evil, inspired by ancient stories. The Holi celebration will begin on March 17th and end on Tuesday, March 18th, 2022. However, in places of India where the festival lasts more than a week, there are several types of Holi celebrations. Here is a list of different types of Holi celebrations in India:
Types Of Holi Celebrations In India
1. Rang Panchmi of Maharashtra
The festival of colors is known as Rang Panchmi or Shimga in this western part of India. The festival is much popular with the community of fishermen who use this festival to enjoy their life to the fullest. The celebration is much like that of the common Holi festival with burning the pyre or Holika Dahan on the first day of Holi. The next day is celebrated by playing with colors. The celebrations can last a week.
2. Lathmar Holi of Uttar Pradesh
This is one of the most unique and strange types of Holi celebrations in India. However, no one can deny the fun people have while playing Latham Holi. It involves men trying to play Holi and put color on women while women try to protect themselves by beating the men with sticks. And even though it may sound dangerous, we are sure the women use the sticks wisely.
Also Read – Holi In Foreign – How The Festival Of Color Is Celebrated Worldwide
3. Holla Mohalla of Punjab
This celebration of Holi is also a way of celebrating the inspiring Sikh warriors. Holla Mohalla is celebrated by the Nihang Sikhs who celebrate it a day after Holi. The festivities include dancing, singing, and performing martial arts and other stunts as a way to remember the brave Sikh warriors.
4. Basant Utsav of West Bengal
Basant Utsav which translates to spring celebration is another way of playing Holi. The only difference is the grace the festivities of Basant Utsav exude. There is no rowdiness or savagery. People play with dry colors all day. They dance and sing on the roads. Teachers and students color each other with abeer to show each other love and respect. The festival is also known as Dol Jatra. One interesting fact about Basant Utsav is that it was started by the great Rabindranath Tagore in Shanti Niketan from where it grew popular and spread to the whole of West Bengal.
5. Yosang of Manipur
Yosang or Yawol Shang is a five-day Holi celebration in Manipur. This festival is celebrated to pay tribute to God ‘Pakhangba’ of Manipur. The first day of celebration is similar to the popular Holi celebration of burning the pyre. However, in Manipur, they burn a hut, and children seek donations from older people. The next day is the day of singing with local bands performing religious songs in temples and places of worship. Further celebration is held by young girls asking for donations and money from adults. The last days of celebration are filled with playing with colors and spraying water on each other.
Few Final Words
India is as diverse in its culture as it is rich in its spices. However, whatever the manner types of Holi celebrations in India at the end, all of us are celebrating the success of good over bad and right over wrong. And if this is not unity in diversity, we don’t know what is.
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