Interesting Facts About Dhyan Chand

Major Dhyan Chand Awards And Interesting Facts About Dhyan Chand

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Most people agree that Major Dhyan Chand is the greatest hockey player that has ever lived. He had an incredible talent to score goals, and he frequently made the opposing defense look like a bunch of weaklings in front of this genius from India. Not only did he represent our nation admirably in international sporting competitions, but his trademark style of play in hockey gave opposing defenders the impression that they had no understanding of what was happening between the ball & his stick. Know more about Indian hockey player Dhyan Chand whose birthday is celebrated as national sports day? This article will share interesting facts about Dhyan Chand and Dhyan Chand awards.

National Sports Day

whose birthday is celebrated as national sports day

Whose Birthday Is Celebrated As National Sports Day?

On 29th August 1905, the Indian Hockey player Dhyan Chand was Born and on the anniversary of his birth, India commemorates National Sports Day. The President presents honours including the Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna, Arjuna, and Dronacharya awards on this auspicious day.

Interesting Facts About Dhyan Chand

Now let us look at some interesting facts about Dhyan Chand:

  1. Chand frequently relocated with his family as a result of army transfers. Finally, the family relocated to Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh, India. At the young age of 16, Dhyan Chand enlisted in the Indian Army and immediately began playing hockey. Dhyan was given the moniker “Chand” by his teammates since he frequently practiced at night. In Hindi, “Chand” refers to the Moon.
  1. Dhyan Chand once quarrelled with the referee about the size of the goalpost after he was unable to score in a game. To everyone’s surprise, he was correct; it was discovered that the goal post did not adhere to the official nominal width outlined by international regulations.
  1. One of the interesting facts about Dhyan Chand mentions that Roop Singh, the younger brother of Dhyan Chand, played hockey as well. They were referred to as the “hockey twins.” The pair combined for 25 of the 35 goals India netted against its opponents at the 1932 Summer Olympics. Chand scored 12 goals, compared to Singh’s 13 goals.
  1. In 2002, the Delhi stadium’s name was changed to Dhyan Chand National Stadium in honour of the Indian Hockey player Dhyan Chand. Major Dhyan Chand National Stadium is a field hockey arena in New Delhi, India. It was formerly called the National Stadium. The first Asian Games were held there in 1951.
  1. Dhyan Chand lost his tooth in a clash with the aggressive German goalie Tito Warnholtz during a 1936 Olympic game against Germany. After receiving medical attention and returning to the field, Dhyan Chand reportedly instructed the players to “deliver a lesson” to the Germans by failing to score. Over and over again, the Indians advanced the ball to the German circle just to retreat.
  1. Following India’s victory at the 1936 Berlin Olympics, German dictator Adolf Hitler is believed to have been so moved by Chand’s performance that he offered him German citizenship and a job in the German military. Chand graciously turned down the offer, though.
  1. With 14 goals, Dhyan Chand led all goal scorers at the 1928 Amsterdam Olympics. India won, and a news piece about it stated, “This is not a hockey game, but magic. In fact, the hockey magician is Dhyan Chand.
  1. When he was younger, Dhyan Chand was a huge wrestling fan but had no real interest in hockey. In fact, it is reported that he claimed he doesn’t recall playing any hockey worth noting prior to enlisting in the Army at the age of 16.
  1. A statue of him displaying 4 hands and 4 hockey sticks was erected in Vienna (Austria) to symbolize his control and mastery of the ball. This may, however, be an exaggeration since there are currently no records of such an idol or its equivalent.

Indian Hockey Player Dhyan Chand Awards

Indian hockey player Dhyan Chand awards,

The ‘Major Dhyan Chand Award for Lifetime Achievement in Sports and Games’ is the full name of the award. It is the Republic of India’s lifetime athletic achievement award. The title is named in honour of Dhyan Chand, who amassed over 1000 goals over the course of a 20-year career from the period of 1926 to 1948.

Final Words About Major Dhyan Chand

Dhyan Chand not only established his eligibility for the Indian hockey team but also delighted the selectors and viewers with his skilful ball handling and dashing dashes that frequently put the opposing defense in peril.

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