150 crore vaccination

150 Crore Vaccination Mark Reached By India

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  • The 150 crore vaccination mark has been reached by the Indian government while vaccinating the entire population. 
  • 1.5 crore children have been vaccinated within five days. 
  • Prime minister Narendra Modi extends his gratitude towards the health workers for their hard work. 

India has reached the historic milestone of 150 crore vaccination all over the nation. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has extended his thanks to the people who have worked in the health sector. It has been a great achievement for the nation, and the citizens have been very cooperative about the entire thing as well. The administration of the vaccination doses has been done very carefully to ensure that the infection does not spread. The complete work of the health sector has been expanded to the other areas as well.

150 Crore People Have Been Vaccinated Till Now

It is stated that more than 1.5 crore children have been administered the vaccine within just 5 days. It can be considered as a ray of hope for the entire nation, and it is expected that the entire population will be completely vaccinated quite soon. 

Also, it has been stated that children under the age of 15 will be given the vaccine after a certain time. It is a matter of hope that the 138 crore citizens of India are on their way to being completely vaccinated in the upcoming days. 150 crore vaccination has been a great achievement for the entire country. Earlier, India celebrated a 100 crore vaccination mark.

Also Read – PM Modi In Punjab: With 1.62 Cr/Day Security Cover, Still PM Not Safe?

Addressed By Narendra Modi

While addressing the nation, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has mentioned that the war is not yet over. The omicron strain is quite strong in its spreading nature, and the character of virulence is quite high. 

These factors together have indicated that India might be moving through a dark future if the right precautions are not taken at this very instant. Along with this, the nation must be prepared for the third wave to ensure minimum deaths within the nation.

Will This Help?

150 crore vaccination has been an excellent step for the nation. The nation may be able to complete the entire vaccination process by the middle part of this year. Do you agree with this? Let us know in the comment section. 

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