lower back pain

Follow These Tested Tips To Alleviate Lower Back Pain

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Highlights :

  • Make sure you keep an eye on the way you sit while using your phone or laptop.
  • Keep 15-30 minutes aside to relax and stretch your body in between work.
  • It is important that you go and see doctors who specialize in this field and know the cause of your lower back pain. 

Lower back pain can become a chronic issue if you don’t change your lifestyle. Many young adults suffer from this pain, due to incorrect posture, lack of exercise, and excessive usage of electronic devices, especially during the lockdown. Here are a few tips to alleviate the excruciating pain:

Tips To Alleviate The Excruciating Lower Back Pain

1. Keep Moving

Regular movement and pain are like opposite sides of a coin. We were all taught that if we face any kind of pain, we have to rest until we are sure it has healed.

But in the case of back pain, the reality is quite the opposite, since it is only with movement that we can increase the blood circulation and oxygen levels that help in healing the injury and inflammation. Make sure you start slow, because you don’t want to make the situation worse, and make sure you follow the routine. As days pass by, your back would be thankful for what you did!

2. Get Your Back Straight

This proverb is not only effective in the work you do but also in the way you treat your body. In this era of digitalization, it’s difficult to not slouch.

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Make sure you keep an eye on the way you sit while using your phone or laptop the next time! A straight back now could mean a pain-free lower back in the years to come.

3. Balance Is The Key To Life

It is important to be able to live your life with a keen balance between your work or studies and your health. Many people forget this and torture themselves so as to live the life they want.

But they don’t realize that by doing so, they won’t actually be able to live the life they want, as all they would be doing in the future would be to spend the majority of their time in a hospital! Hence, it is important to make sure that you follow a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise and a good diet.

4. Like All Your Devices, You Also Need To Recharge!

There would be many people who are unaware of the 15-minute break rule! This tip is for all the workaholics who love their work more than their health. This break time rule has been proved to be effective in many studies.

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After long hours of excessive work, make sure you keep aside a few minutes to relax and recharge your body. It could be in the form of listening to your favorite podcast, yoga, or any exercises that you love to do!

5. Consult A Doctor

Even though using these tips would help you to minimize the pain, this is not an official or scientifically approved method to treat your lower back pain.

It is important that you go and see doctors who are specialized in this field and know the cause of your lower back pain. If your pain persists even after 12 weeks, that’s a clear red flag and you should make sure you get an appointment.

Final Words

These days it is essential to know all about your body and the essential tips and tricks for keeping your body healthy. Just like how you invest time in your work, make sure you invest time in your health too!

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