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New Covid Cases Reported In The Nation; An Omen Of The Third Wave

An Omen Of The Third Wave
Reading Time: 2 minutes


  • India has reported the addition of 43,263 new covid cases to the list of active cases Last Thursday
  • The total number of active cases at the moment account for 1.19% of the total caseload in the nation
  • Failure to reduce the total number of cases may create a pathway for the third wave to appear.

India has been able to put a hold on its total number of coronavirus cases for quite a bit of time now. The second wave had wreaked havoc, but it was assumed that with the ramping up of the vaccination drive, the total number of cases would go down and there would be a lower possibility of the third wave. However, on 9th September, it was reported by the health advisories that India has 43,263 new covid cases. This huge number of cases has developed over the span of 24 hours only. The total number of cases within the nation has jumped up to 33,139,981 with this development.

Kerala, The Major Contributor Of New Covid Cases

Out of the total number of cases that have been recorded till now, Kerala alone has 30,196 cases. It is extremely disheartening to see the government of Kerala not being able to put a stop to the increasing number of coronavirus cases. It seems that if the nation is going to suffer from a third wave of the pandemic, the epicenter will definitely be Kerala. The death toll has also increased within the last 24 hours. There has been a total fatality count of 338, which is indeed very concerning for the officials.

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Drastic Rise In Cases May Lead To Third Wave

New covid cases have started to plague the nation again after the second wave. This was anticipated as the Delta and Delta Plus variants were already wreaking havoc in a number of states. The active caseload has increased quite a bit and now accounts for about 1.19% of the total cases in the nation. More than 53.68 crore samples from the most affected areas have been tested till now in order to find the traces of the virus in the individuals. So far, 71.65 crore vaccines have already been administered to avoid the emergence of new COVID-19 cases in the nation.

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Remembering The Catastrophic Days Of The Second Wave

Do you think that the rise in new covid cases is a dangerous omen for the nation? How can we ever forget the days of the second wave where people across the nation died due to lack of medical facilities! If the total number of cases continues to increase, it will indeed be a very grave circumstance for all countrymen.

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