russia ukrainian war

Russia-Ukrainian War And the main reason behind conflict

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Hostile relations between Russia and Ukraine have been boiling up for years. Tensions are on the rise amid fears of the Russians invading Ukraine. Read this article to know more about the Russia-Ukrainian War.

Russia-Ukrainian War

How Russia Conquered Crimea: A Five-Year Retrospective |

The war sparked flames in 2014 after Russia captured Crimea from Ukraine. Primarily, it started between Ukraine, U.S, and Great Britain on one hand, and Russia and pro-Russian forces on the other. Relations between the two have been hostile since then, famously known as the Russia-Ukrainian War.

According to Washington, Russia has amassed over 1,00,000 Russian soldiers on the borders against Ukraine. This instinctively gave rise to fearful situations in Kyiv (Ukraine) and the West that the Kremlin (Russia) may go to war with its neighbor country that proceeded to part ways from Moscow’s political orbit.

What Does Russia Want With Ukraine?

Is Putin going to invade Ukraine? - GZERO Media

Ukraine was a part of the Soviet Union which collapsed in December 1991. Mr. Putin claimed it was the disintegration of historical Russia. President Putin said Russians and Ukrainians are one nation. He also labeled Ukraine’s current leaders, formulating and plotting against Russia by running an anti-Russian project. 

On the contrary, Russia has its 100,000 soldiers at the Ukrainian borders, and provides no reason to it. Amidst all the controversies, a war between Russia and Ukraine is much predicted. More so, is the Russian invasion. 

Reasons Why Russia Is Imposing A Threat To Ukraine

10,000 Russian troops reportedly redeployed from Ukraine border : NPR

Russia has seized the borders of Ukraine and has deployed 100,000 soldiers at the borders, as mentioned. But again, it denies any intentions of war. It has also shown resistance towards Ukraine’s initiative towards European institutions and NATO.

Ukraine shares borders with Russia and the European Union EU, as it was primarily a part of the former Soviet Republic. But Russia claims it has deep cultural ties with the country. 

After deposing the Russian president in 2014, Russia annexed Ukraine’s southern Crimean peninsula and backed separatists who captured parts of eastern Ukraine. The rebels fought against Ukraine’s military, and the conflict took more than 14,000 lives.

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What Risk Does The Invasion Impose And How Big Is It?

Russia claims no plans of invading or starting a war with Ukraine. But tensions remain on the rise. Besides, Russian President Putin has threatened appropriate retaliatory military-technical measures if (what he calls) the West’s aggressive approach continues.

President Biden guesses that Russia will move in. NATO’s General Secretary also warns that the risk of the conflict is real.  Moreover, the Russian tanks and troops have headed to Belarus. Western intelligence suggests a Russian invasion might take place in early 2022.

Russia And The West

Russian President Putin has spoken on several occasions to US president Joe Biden, and the talks continue. Russian officials have warned and put forth a condition stating Western rejection of their key demands will lead to a dead end. The question is, how far will Russia go. Russia is also armed with weapons. It threatens cyber-attacks with paramilitary tactics. Ukraine is on the lookout to join NATO. There is no veto and no right to interfere in this process. Sweden and Finland, non-NATO members have also rejected Russia’s attempt to stop them from spoiling ties with the alliance.

4 things Russia wants right now : NPR

The US has made it clear that it has no plans of sending troops while being in favor to help Ukraine defend its sovereign territory. This is all there is about the Russia-Ukrainian War as of now. Stay tuned for more updates. 

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