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Pakistan Independence Day – Why Pakistan Celebrate Independence On 14 August

Pakistan Independence Day
Reading Time: 6 minutes

The clock struck 12:00 am at midnight. A new day was ahead for the Indian people. The dawn of 15th August 1947 witnessed something very different from the regular days. Two separate countries, India and Pakistan (including West Pakistan and East Pakistan, now Bangladesh ) were formed. But, the question is, though colonial India gained Independence from British rule at midnight of 15th August, why Pakistan celebrate Independence on 14 August? When is Pakistan Independence Day in the historical records? Well, let us reflect back on the pages of history to find the answer to this question. Read the below article to the end to know more, about the 14 august Pakistan Independence Day quotes, and how Pakistan celebrate Independence Day as well.

Pakistan Independence Day

The British Raj transferred all the colonial powers to India and Pakistan. The end of the struggles of Indian leaders and freedom fighters bore fruit. Celebrations were held on the occasion of gaining Independence from the British Raj! Though the Indian Independence Act of 1947 mentions 15th August as Independence Day for both India and Pakistan, the Muslim-dominated country celebrates its Independence Day on 14th August. Read more.

The Indian Independence Act Of 1947 

The Indian Independence Act of 1947, legalized by the last viceroy of India, Lord Mountbatten, mentions the transferring of powers in the hands of the Indian Government. Soon, two separate countries were formed at the cost of several lives, violence, and deaths. The Indian Independence Act mentions, “As from the fifteenth day of August, nineteen hundred and forty-seven, two independent Dominions shall be set up in India, to be known respectively as India and Pakistan.”  

Soon after, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the founder of Pakistan, announced the news of the formation of Pakistan via radio. He said, “August 15 is the birthday of the independent and sovereign state of Pakistan. It marks the fulfillment of the destiny of the Muslim nation which made great sacrifices in the past few years to have its homeland.” 

When Is Pakistan Independence Day?

Thus, it is clear from historical records that Pakistan was born on 15th August 1947 and that 15th August marks Independence Day for both India and Pakistan. But, in reality, we see that Pakistan Independence Day is celebrated by its people on the 14th of August. So, why Pakistan celebrate Independence on 14 August? 

The Story Of How Pakistan Got Independence From the British Raj 

The weakening of the Maratha Kingdom paved the way for the British East India Company to increase its base in the Indian subcontinent. This soon resulted in the British Raj coming to India. The footsteps of the British Army brought with them, their struggles, and horror for the Indian people. Soon, the Indian subcontinent was converted into British colonies and the period of British tyranny against the Indian natives began. Soon, the Indian people realized how the British Government is utilizing India’s rich resources for their own advantage. Additionally, the tortures and atrocities by the British Army were enough to instigate nationalism in the hearts of the Indians. Protests followed and the demand for Independence was suppressed brutally by the British. 

In such a situation, the Muslim League was established in 1906. In the same year, a few Muslim leaders presented their demand for a separate Muslim state to the then Viceroy of India. Soon, the leader of the Muslim League, Muhammad Ali Jinnah started demanding a separate country for the Muslims, free from Indian rule. This resulted in several clashes with the majority of Hindu communities. Mass killings, murder, and protests were observed in the country. The situation was grim. Gandhiji opposed the separation of India. But, destiny had different plans for the Indian people. 

British Troops Leaving India

On 20th February 1947, the British Government announced that they would return all the powers to the hand of the Indian Government by June 1948. But, the last Viceroy of India, Lord Mountbatten later announced that India would gain Independence from British rule on 15th August 1947. The Indian Independence Act was passed which clearly mentioned that Pakistan and India, two separate dominions, will be established on 15th August 1947. Thus, Pakistan Independence Day falls on the 15th of August, the same as observed by India. 

The Independence of India from the vicious clutches of the British was announced on the midnight of 15th August 1947.  Even, Pakistan celebrated its first Independence Day on the 15th of August. The commemorative stamps released by Pakistan till July 1948 also mentioned August 15th as the Independence Day of Pakistan. But, then when is Pakistan Independence Day celebrated in reality? And Why Pakistan celebrate Independence on 14 August? Let’s take a look at some theories. 

After Independence

Why Pakistan Celebrate Independence On 14 August?

  1. The first theory proposes that the British Raj announced that India’s freedom from the British Raj will be achieved on 15th August 1947. Lord Mountbatten must be present at the power transfer ceremony, both for India and Pakistan. But, it is physically impossible for one person to be present in two places at the same time.

    Thus, to solve the problem, the last viceroy of India made a visit to Karachi on August 13th and addressed the constituent assembly of Pakistan on August 14th. He stated, “Tomorrow, the government of the new Dominion of Pakistan will rest in your hands.” According to experts, Pakistan Independence Day was changed from August 15th to August 14th as the powers were transferred to Pakistan on August 14th, one day ahead of India! 
  1. Another theory suggests that 14th August is an auspicious day for the Muslim community. The 27th day of Ramadan falls on August 14 and thus, August 14th is observed as Pakistan Independence Day. 
  1. Others are of the view that ahead of the year of Pakistan’s Independence, Liyaqat Ali, the first Prime Minister of Independent Pakistan 1948 at a cabinet meeting proposed that the celebration for Pakistan Independence Day should be observed one day ahead of India. When the proposal was taken to Muhammad Ali Jinnah, he agreed to change, and thus, since then, Pakistan observes Independence Day on the 14th of August. 
  1. Another theory says that Indian Standard Time is 30 minutes ahead of Pakistan. Thus, when India achieved Independence against British rule at midnight, the clock showed 11:30 pm in Pakistan. This is another reason why Pakistan Independence Day falls on August 14th, instead of August 15th. 

14 August Pakistan Independence Day Quotes 

Here is the list of 14 August Pakistan Independence Day Quotes:

  1. Lots of people gave their lives, lots of people sacrificed their comforts, and lots of women lost their husbands and sons and that is when we got this freedom…. Let us celebrate the Independence Day of Pakistan with great spirits.
  1. Let us celebrate this Independence Day to all the Pakistani leaders who gave their lives to make our country independent.
  1. Let all of us be united and raise the flag of Pakistan high to celebrate our Independence Day.
  1. We are a nation, Built on harmony, development, Prosperity, and peace, Achieving milestones for a better future, Happy Independence Day.
  1. May this Independence Day bring unity and prosperity to Pakistan. May the stories of bravery of our heroes be recalled and may we join hands to make our country green again. Happy Independence Day!
  1. On this special day, may Allah shower you with blessings. Use all your integrity to be proud of your country. Have a Happy Independence Day!

How Pakistan Celebrate Independence Day? 

This section of the article will answer how Pakistan celebrate Independence Day. Pakistan Independence Day falls on the 27th day of Ramadan. Thus, August 14th is an auspicious day for the Pakistani people. 

On this day, the national flag of Pakistan, adorned in green and white colours, is hoisted at the Presidential and Parliament buildings in Islamabad. The national anthem is performed. Speeches are delivered by several officials, which are then circulated and televised on a large scale over different print and virtual media. Parades, marches, and cultural events are the special attractions of Pakistan Independence Day. 

People also start their day by hoisting the national flag atop their roofs and by singing various patriotic songs. Educational institutions, clubs, and other places get adorned with green and white colours. Institutions arrange various cultural programs, competitions, concerts, and patriotic shows and events. 


The Independence of the Indian subcontinent from the British Raj came at heavy costs. While people like Gandhiji and his disciples strongly opposed the separation of India into two different dominions, Muhammad Ali Jinnah and his followers strongly demanded a Muslim state, free from Indian influence. Several clashes followed with such a decision. 

But, the Indian Independence Act of 1947 finally brought a split on Indian soil by establishing two different countries, India and Pakistan. Murders, killings, and loss of lives were a common sight during the partition. Several people lost their relatives and families. Many children lost their parents. Mothers lost their children. What do you think, was such a partition benefited the people, or did it bring more sorrows and plights in the lives of the Indian people? 


1. When is Pakistan Independence Day?

Originally, Pakistan Independence Day falls on the 15th of August, but The county of Pakistan celebrates independence on the 14th of August every year.

2. Who was the first PM of Pakistan? 

Liaquat Ali Khan was the first Prime Minister of independent Pakistan. 

3. Who was the first President of Pakistan? 

Iskandar Mirza was the first president of Pakistan.

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